STARworks Residency and New Project!

Posted on May 1, 2018

I was thrilled to return to STARworks in Star, NCĀ  last month to develop a new project for the Mint Museum in Charolotte, NC. I’m creating a new multi-panel composition in glass on the theme of textiles. North Carolina has a rich history as part of the textile industry and I have long been interested in fabric patterns, structure, and the visual relationship between glass and textiles. Venetian cane techniques use glass strands that are much like threads when pulled, twisted, and layered so this is a rich area for me to explore visually. I am excited about this project and so appreciative of all the support that made this residency possible. Thank-you especially to Lorne Lassiter & Gary Ferraro, the Mint Museum Founder’s Circle, Curator Annie Carlano, Director Nancy Gottovi, Joe Grant, and the staff at STARworks, my fabulous Seattle team of Alix Cannon, Isaac Feuerman and David Walters, and all the other volunteers who stepped in to lend a hand!

Nancy at Bench

Setting up a striped pattern for a cylinder. Fun!

Working hard with Dave Walters and artist-in-residence Chris assisting at the bench.

Inside “Fishnet” cylinder




Check out the huge amount of work we did! Each cylinder will be slumped open into a flat panel.

The fabulous STARworks Team



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